Belt Conveyors
Slider Bed and Roller Bed belt conveyor are versatile multi-purpose conveyors that are ideally suited for incline or decline applications, sorting applications and brake applications. Slider Bed conveyors slide above a steel frame, while Roller Bed conveyors ride on top of carrying rollers. The returning rollers support the belt can be mm to mm diameter rollers.
Two or more pulleys drive an endless loop belt, smoothly and quickly moving a product from Point A to Point B.

Applications :
food processing and light weight products such as: cartons and packaging bags.
Benefits :
1) low cost
2) simple construction
3) low maintenance
4) large quantity handles
5) inclined angle transmit
6) any place used
7) smooth operation
8) noiseless operation
9) change speed
10) large path
11) long life